Owner/Entrepreneur :

Suphaphip Jeariraphong

Price :


Address/Contact :

333 Village No.7 Chaiyaphum-Phu Khiao Rd., Chong Sam Mo, Kaeng Khro, Chaiyaphum

Tel : 081-6006608
website : http://www.medifoodsco.com/products-th/hugpun-semi-mills-riceberry


   Hug Pun Rice Ban Oil. Cold-pressed rice bran oil with safflower helps lower cholesterol, reduce blood sugar levels with high antioxidants. The Hug Pun brown rice bran oil has gamma-oryzanol, no rancid odor and do not adding anti-rancid. The RD 43 semi-cooked rice porridge helps moderating the glycemic index. Hug Pan important component of pure brown rice oil is extracted by # 100% natural method. There are various substances that help inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the body, reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, and increasing good cholesterol (HDL) which causes the circulatory system to work better. It also reduces the constriction of blood vessels which resulting in reducing the risk of heart disease.


Agriculture and Processing Agricultural Producers Database
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