Owner/Entrepreneur :

Shinawatra Matraj

Price :


Address/Contact :

ศูนย์การเรียนรู้สหกรณ์การเกษตรปราสาท จำกัด 92 หมู่ 7 ตำบลกังแอน อำเภอปราสาท จังหวัดสุรินทร์

Tel : 044-551718, 095-6196161
Facebook : -


   Rice Noodle in Powder. Rice Noodle is clean, sticky, and appetizing. If you boil it in boiling water, the line will be sticky. We use automatic making Machine to prepare and make for sending to customers who orders this week. Our rice noodle quality is better than others. The sticky lines are soft, clear, not cracking can be kept for days . We can reduce waste from broken lines and we alsp have improved the production capacity with 2 machine with capacity of 300 + 300 kg / hour.


Agriculture and Processing Agricultural Producers Database
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